1️⃣ Accelerating sustainable (ESG) transformation
for individuals, organizations and cities
2️⃣ Creating the best living experience &
sustainable buildings in the world
3️⃣ Building new worlds by using AI
to blend architecture and engineering.

Biography and Photos
Founder towards0 & ÎntreVecini
ESG Expert with 13 years experience in sustainability, winning 50+ national and international awards, individually and collectively. Mihai Toader-Pasti is the founder of towards0 - company accelerating ESG transformation for companies and cities and founder of ÎntreVecini - non-profit creating a network of sustainable urban communities throughout neighbourhoods in Romanian cities.
In the past, Mihai co-founded and co-led Romania's most awarded sustainability non-profit - EFdeN, that designed and built Europe's most sustainable home (LEED, 105p) for the world’s most important competition for solar homes and energiaTa, making energy prosumers a reality in Romania with a community of 20k people now. He also led 2 other organizations, Future Energy Leaders Romania and Global Shapers Bucharest Hub, a community founded by the World Economic Forum. For 3 years, Mihai was a member of the World Energy Council Communication and Strategy Committee.
Mihai is an Obama Leader, Eisenhower Youth Leader, Climate Reality Leader and Aspen Institute fellow, being included in Forbes Europe 30 under 30, JCI 10 Outstanding Young Persons of the World and BIZ Champions of Innovation
Mihai is an experienced speaker & trainer that co-authored several books and co-cordinated Sustainable Romania Book for Club Romania Publishing House supported by Konrad Adanauer Stiftung, German Marshall Fund of the US și Institut Francais des Relations Internationales.
Mihai's expertise spans a diverse array of domains. He is certified as CFA ESG Investing, LEED Green Greater, PHi Passive House Designer, Living Future Institute AP, ITC Infrared Level 1 and has attended courses on sustainability, climate change and digitisation at ESCP Paris, Harvard, Cambridge and Stanford.
Mihai believes that the future of cities resides in a symbiotic relationship between the built environment, humans and nature and it's our responsibility to foster collaboration amongst the stakeholders impacting life within cities.
You have to be Ambitious to live the life to the fullest, and you make every moment count by doing Meaninfgul work. It's easy to talk, harder to walk the talk, specially today, and the only way to inspire change is by Leading by Example. You can blend Effiency and Fun when you do what you Love with the people you Love to spend time with. The world is volatile, uncertaint, complex, and ambiguous so you need Truth to see it for what it is, not what you wish for and be able to objectively analyse yourselves and improve. To not stop, and keep walking, even when it's painful, you need to build Resilience. And at the end, Hope that it all worthed it.
My Work Activity
Which you can read more about here.
- ÎntreVecini – creating micro-communities nation wide around neighberhood projects related to sustainability :: Founder and Co-Coordinator
- EFdeN – from students design and building internationally awarded homes to cocreating future cities :: Cofounder & CEO
- energiaTa – changing the law by creating a movement and a guide :: Cofounder & JoAT
- Future Energy Leaders Romania – creating support eco-systems to build Romania’s future of energy :: Chairman
- Global Shapers Bucharest Hub– empowering change at the local level :: Curator
- nZEB Roadshow – accelerating transition to net Zero Energy Buildings :: Expert
- WeWilder, bringing people and nature back together :: Sustainability Advisor
- Tabăra Meseriașilor, empowering vocational highscools :: Mentor
- Romania Green Building Council – co-creating Romania’s renovation strategy: Manager of Development & Strategy
- PRISPA – the first Romanian team at Solar Decathlon :: Student Team Leader
International Experience
Working Groups and Organisations
- World Energy Council – Strategy and Communication Committee :: Member
- G20 Global Solution – Working Group on Urbanization & Infrastructure :: Junior Expert & Economy & Wellbeing Working Group :: Member
- Global Shapers Community, iniative of World Economic Forum :: Regional Lead, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Future Energy Leaders 100, World Energy Council :: Co-chair of Development of New National FEL Programmes
- YOUNGO, UN-related constituency :: Member
- THINC Leadership 2022)
- Climate Reality Leadership Corps (2019) :: Training with Al Gore
- ChangemakerXChange Berin (2019)
- Global Youth Climate Network GYCN (2019) :: Climate Ambassador
- Eisenhower Fellowships Youth Leaders (2018) :: Co-chair
- Aspen Institute Romania Young Leaders Program 2017
- UNLEASH, Singapore (2018)
Education & Certifications
- Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Business and Climate Change: Towards Net Zero Emissions Course
- Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education – Climate Change Policy: Economics & Politics Course
- altMBA (2020)
- Lots of MOOC Courses
- Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest :: Degree in Civil Engineering (2015)
- Accredited Thermographer (lvl 1) - Infrared Training Limited
- Living Future Institute Accredited Professional
- Passive House Designer – Passivhaus Institut (PHI)
- LEED Green Rater (Certifier) – Green Business Certification
- LEED Home AP (Accredited Professional) – Green Business Certificatio
- Climate Reality Leader @ Climate Reality Training, Altanta
- Green Building Professional – Romanian Green Building Council
- Sustainability Manager – Denkstatt ECQA Romania
Awards & Recognition
- European Parliament – Faces of Europe – 2022
- Forbes 30 under 30 Europe – 2021
- JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World – 2020
- JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the Year Romania – 2019
- FEL100 – World Energy Council – 2019
- Front Runner, Future Talents – Cariere Magazine
- Young Energy Professional of the Year – Energynomics
- Nomination, Social Involvement – Unica Magazine
- Forbes 30 under 30 Legacy
- Medal and Brevet – Romanian National Committee, World Energy Council
- Front Runner, Leader of the New Generation – Cariere Magazine
- King of Social Media Summer Camp – BIZ Magazine
- Climate LaunchPad, 1st prize – national phase
- Creativity Award – University of Theatre and Film Bucharest
- 100 People for Romania of Tomorrow – DOR
- Featured on the cover of Forbes România: ”30 Under 30”
- Featured on the cover of BIZ Magazine: ”Innovation Champions”
- Featured in European Heroes series
- ‘100 Peoples and Ideas changing Romania” – Foreign Policy România
- ”100 Faces of Innovation” – Club România and The Financial Times
- 10 (Ten) – Movie Documentary on 10 change-makers in Romania
Speaking Panels
2023: British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce - ESG, renewables and investment / AIESEC & One - Careers and Trends / Global Shapers & Swiss Embassy - ESG
2020: Energy Tech Day 2020 / Euro Urbanism
2019: TEDx Bucharest: Who builds the world we want to live in / Forbes 30 Under 30 e-summit / BIZ Days CSR: The secret formula for doing well while doing good
2017: Dec: One Planet Summit / 23 Mai: EY Romania – „25 de intrebari pentru viitorul României” / 11 Mai: Conferința 2017 InvestEnergy: R-evoluție în energie / 28-29 Martie: Tabăra Meseriașilor, Gorj / 18 Martie: Imagine you Future
2016:25 Noiembrie: ERICSSON Talks / 15 Noiembrie: Zilele BIZ, Ziua Inovației / 3 Noiembrie: HR Innovation Conference / 31 Octombrie: 9th Balkan Energy Finance Forum, Belgrade / 24 Octombrie: Aspen Energy Labs / 19 Octombrie: RoEnergy, Timișoara / 5 Iulie: Sustainable Buildings – ”A STEP INTO THE FUTURE” / 22 Iunie: European Parliament “Towards Sustainable Energy Sectors in Central and South East Europe: Success Stories” / 11 Mai: Forbes Future Innovation
2015: 17 Decembrie – Forumul CAESAR ”România în 3D” / 7 Decembrie – COP21 Agreement, Paris, Energy Climate House
2014: 18 Octombrie: Simpozion Arhitectura in Europa 2020 / 16 Octombrie: Conferinta despre constructiile sustenabile si eficienta energetica / 11 Martie: Mediul universitar si mediul de afaceri: 150 de ani de istorie
2013: 19 Octombrie: Cercetare în arhitectură şi design / 25 Mai: TEDx@Iași. Biblioteca Centrală Universitară, Iaşi / 20 Februarie: Conferința PV Romania | Hotel Intercontinental – București
2012: 17 Noiembrie: TEDx Youth@Reghin | Reghin
High-level Meetings
- United Nations UN Climate Summit & General Assembly, NY, US (September 2019)
- UN High-level Meeting: Climate Action Leaders’ Roundtables, NY, US (March 2019)
- World Urban Forum, Kuala Lumpur (2018)
- One Planet Summit, Paris (2017)
- European Parliament, Bruxelles, Belgium (2016)
- UN COP21, Paris (2015)
Media Coverage
2021: The Diplomat Bucharest | Invest Energy | e-nergia.ro
2020: Forbes Romania | Energy Industry Review | ziare.com
2019: Digi24 Bonton | Ziarul Financiar | BrandMinds | Forbes Digi24 | Pandurul
2018: Revista Cariere | Samsung Ad | European Heroes | Digi 24 | Business24 | Adevărul | Impact in Gorj | ProTV | Bursa | start-up | Antena3 | Business24 | Storia Movie | PhilipsLighting | Buhnici
2017: Revista BIZ| Antena 3| A List Magazine | ApropoTV | RealitateaTV | Observator – A1 | cult-ura | Viitorul României | TVR2 | DigiWorld | Radio Româna Actualități | Adevărul | Cult-ura | Ziarul Financiar | PressOne
2016: ProTV | Cariere | Let’s Do it Romania | RFI | DePoveste TVH | Gorj Domino | Tara lui Andrei | Forbes | RFI | Autor de frumos | Adevărul | Curs de Guvernare | Ager Pres | Pandurul | b365 | ZF Live
2015: Antena 1 | Adevărul | Antena3
2014: digi24 | Antena 1 | observator.tv | totb.ro | economica.net | forbes.ro | Romania Insider
2013: ecomagazin.ro | gen90.net | altiasi.ro | ziaruldeiasi.ro | radiolynx.ro | igloo.ro | green-report.ro | spatiulconstruit.ro | businessmagazin.ro | maimultverde.ro | arhitectura-1906.ro
2012: zf.ro | businessmagazine.ro | zi-de-zi.ro | zf.ro | hotnews.ro
Trainings & Mentorship
- French Institute in Bucharest Workshop for NGOs – 2021
- PENNY Workshop on Sustainability & Climate Change – 2020
- Microsoft Workshop on Sustainability & Climate Change – 2020
- HEEN Workshop Berlin – 2019
- MENS – Ianuarie | Cluj – Training despre Sustenabilitate și Clădiri Verzi @2017
- MSLGROUP The Practice – Sustainability Training @2016
- MINDSHARE – Sustainability Training @2016
- ROMSTAL – @2016 January – March | Craiova, Suceava, Arad, București, ”Sustainability Consultant Trainings”
- ING Bank – @2014 August | Constanța – Training Eco-Tehnologii
- OMV PETROM – Septembrie | Bran – Țara lui Andrei – Tabăra Meseriașilor 2016, @2017, 2018 & 2019 Mentor
- Future Makers Mentor
Facilitaror & Moderator
- Romania Business Leaders Summit (2023)
- SIS Sustainable Futures @ Palatul Parlamentului (2022)
- Share Bucharest (2020)
- Future Makers (2020)
- World Energy Council Summit in Abu Dhabi (2019)
- InvestEnergy Conference (2019)
- Conferința 2017 InvestEnergy: R-evoluție în energie (2017)
- Săptămâna Sustenabilității – Ziua Voluntariatului (2016)
- European Leader - European Comission in Romania (2022)
- Future Makers, 55 startups from Romania (2020 & 2019)
- Robots Competition (2019)
- Idei din Țara lui Andrei, 131 projects, 200.000 euro in funding (2017)
- Idei din Țara lui Andrei, 132 projects, 150.000 euro in total (2016)
- Co-author – Energy efficient houses – From theory to practice, 2016 Matrix Rom, 978-606-25-0168-6 (+)
- Co-author – Energy. Operational concepts and tools, 2019 Club Romania Publishing House 978-606-94561-6-3 (+)
- Coordinator – Sustainable Romania, 2021 Club Romania Publishing House, 978-606-95075-2-0 (+)
- Co-author – Intersecting Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 The Global Solutions Dialogue
- Co-author – Intersecting Volume on Urban Metabolism and Circular Economy, 2022 GIZ.de
- Solar House and Prosumers in Romania – Balkan Green Energy News
- Future jobs and young Romanians today- Forbes
- PRISPA and EFdeN, two best-case examples in Romania – Architecture Magazine
Hobbies & Passions
- Scubadiving. 30m depth done, pursuing Advanced.
- Sailing. Only in Romania and Greece so far.
- Motocycling across Europe. Ideally alone.
- Tennis & Footbal
- Piano. Still learning to play, but my dream is to write at least one great arrangement before I die
- Sky-diving. Just started.
Is Pasti or Paști? And what is the first name?
Pasti is corect. My first name is Mihai (Michael), and Toader-Pasti is my last name, some people call me TP. Toader is my father’s family name, while Pasti is my mother’s. In Romania, usually, the woman and the kids take the husband’s last name. But my mother’s parents had two daughters, so no possibility for my grandfather ‘Mănene’ to pass his name to the next generations. Fortunately, my father was so cool that he decided to combine both family names. One small step for one person, one big step for our entire family.